Our Services

Mobile Neurological Physiotherapy based In Salisbury

Helping you recover

Helping you recover

At One Step Neuro Physiotherapy, we understand that following a brain injury, fatigue can play a major role in your recovery process and this can make getting to appointments difficult and even more tiring. That is why we come to you.

If your home is a nursing or residential setting, we are happy to see you there with the agreement of your care team. We are also happy to visit you in a gym environment to advise you on a personal exercise program, ensuring that you are carrying out your exercises correctly and are using the equipment correctly and effectively.

What we can help with?

Carrying out physiotherapy in your home setting allows us to see the challenges you are facing in context and helps us personalise your physiotherapy programme, focusing on your goals and aspirations that are meaningful to you.

We also offer sessional work to Nursing and Residential homes. We can come to you for a morning, an afternoon or a whole day where several residents can benefit from our services. Please contact us to see how we can help.

We are also happy to provide assessment and progress reports during your rehabilitation journey.

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Get The Help You Need

Neurological physiotherapy Treatment Based in Salisbury

The ACPIN Logo
The HCPC registered Logo
The chartered society of physiotherapy Logo

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Monday To Saturday 09:00am - 18:00pm

07724 870 625


Monday To Saturday 09:00am - 18:00pm