What is neurological physiotherapy?
What is neurological physiotherapy?
As a result of a neurological impairment, your body will be experiencing symptoms such as muscle weakness, spasm, stiffness, tremors, pain and sensory changes all of which affect your ability to move normally and function. You may experience, for example, difficulty sitting comfortably, difficulty standing, balancing, moving in and out of a chair, walking or attending to your personal care.
Naturally, our bodies will compensate and find a way to move and function however this may not be the most efficient way and as a result, you may not be maximising your potential for recovery.
Neurological physiotherapy helps you to move more normally by channelling your movements to become more efficient.
The Neurological Physiotherapist may use hands-on techniques to help you to achieve this, encouraging both sides of your body to work together symmetrically. It will also aim to maximise and use the movements that you have and encourage improved functional ability.
We can also help you with maintenance programmes for longer term conditions, for example providing stretching or exercise programmes, assisting with seating and positioning and advice on splints and aids that may help you with your rehabilitation journey.
You may also be working with NHS services, care teams or other Professionals. We are happy to liaise and work together with other members of your team in order to help you achieve your goals.
Why One Step?
Recovery from a neurological illness takes time and patience. Taking one step at a time, having focus, goals, and aspirations are essential. There may be times you want to give up. There may even be days that you feel you are going backwards. This is normal! – We are here to support and encourage you every step of the way.